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Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

Galatians 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.


As opportunities present themselves, we ought to “do good” unto others. Scripturally speaking, we have a basic duty to help “all men,” but our foremost responsibility should be directed toward those “who are of the household of faith.” Regardless of our heart’s desire, the Lord knows there are times when we cannot help those in need. This fact should never be used as an excuse when we have a genuine opportunity, as the good that we might do to others does not always merely involve financial help. Acts chapter 3 offers an example of Peter and John who were faced with such a situation. Peter responded, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee” (Acts 3:6). Where these men lacked any monetary opportunity to help the lame man, they fulfilled their responsibility by imparting help in the way that God had especially enabled them.


• (For children): As children, we don't have much money to help others; but there are things we can do to make someone’s day better: make a homemade card, say a kind word, tell him you will pray for him, quote a Bible verse, draw him a picture, etc.

• (For everyone): Do you know anyone with a need that you could help meet? What efforts have you taken to be a blessing to that person or family during their time of need?

• We cannot help everyone, yet we can help some of those with particular needs. Why would the Lord put the emphasis on helping others who are saved? What are some ways in which you can help your brothers and sisters in Christ?


• Ask the Lord to show you ways to help others.

• Ask God for opportunities to help others .

SONG: He Was Not Willing

Pastor Andrew Ray

Devotions on Benevolence

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