Dear Republican Politicians,
I am first and foremost a Bible-believing Christian and Pastor. My faith in the word of God yields some beliefs/practices that separate me from my countrymen and them from me. At the same time, the common sense and moral decency planted in the heart of man by the Bible is still prominent enough in this country that many Americans ultimately share foundational virtues and beliefs. Where these truths cease to be cherished and therefore vanish, countries and communities descend into chaos and anarchy. Before that happens, the common and decent man must lose hope in his leaders or at least in the system by which these leaders are chosen. As a Christian and an American, I warn that we are there.
It is no secret that Bible-believing Christians are more strongly associated with the Republican party. For many Republican politicians, that has become an accepted norm and one that you use to your advantage anytime an election is held. It should, however, be understood that most Christians, me included, are not at all impressed with you either. In fact, we generally hold our noses when voting for you, understanding that we are choosing the lesser of two evils. After all, Republicans and Democrats are often only differentiated from each other by the letter after their names.
In my time as a politically aware American, the presidential candidates offered by the Republican party have been former President George W. Bush, the late Senator John McCain, Senator Mitt Romney, and President Donald J. Trump. Anyone possessing common sense realizes that three of these men are part of the old guard and are ultimately one and the same. This is the Republican party that many in power revere and it is becoming increasingly obvious that a return to that would be welcomed by you.
To the average American, the old Republican party is worth less than the Democratic party it pretends to oppose. In fact, your party lost twice to former President Barack Obama who did irreparable harm to our nation. Additionally, had one of your chosen pawns won the Republican primary in 2016, we would be looking at a potential second term for Hillary Clinton in 2020. In other words, a large number of people who identify with the Republican party do not identify with what you hold to be safe, happy, and normal. We rather identify with President Donald J. Trump.
The silence and cooperation many of you now show toward a POTENTIALLY rigged election is deafening! The fact that many of you are more comfortable with a Joe Biden presidency than you are to stick your necks on the line to stand with the president who has stood for the people who voted you into office tells us that you would like to return to the Republican party with the likes of Bush, McCain, and Romney. However, please be advised that while we held our nose to vote for these people in the past, we refuse to do so again.
A return to normal will be a return to losing. We are not coming with you! We have had a taste of liberty and expect nothing less going forward. We have enjoyed and benefitted from an America first approach and have no desire to return to a global system that empowers our enemies and cripples our countrymen. We have enjoyed the peace of having fewer of our young people shipped to fight wars in other lands protecting and building nations that hate us.
I may only be one voice, but I dare to say that I speak for others. Republican leaders either need to get in the fight for our president and for integrity in our elections or be prepared for us to stay home at election time from this point forward. IF this election WAS rigged, our votes no longer matter anyway. While this may suit you fine in the present, you need to understand that the people who might promise you continued power now, will cast you aside for their own benefit just as quickly as you have cast us aside. If you love America, stand for it! Otherwise, be prepared to kiss it goodbye.