The Life and Ministry of
Pastor Andrew Ray
The Gospel According to David
Psalm 22:1-31; Psalm 23:1-6; Psalm 24:1-10
INTRODUCTION: Because we dwell on this side of the cross, we have the great benefit of seeing the Old Testament in light of the New Testament. As such, we can see glimpses of Jesus not seen by the very men used to pen the very scriptures we examine. With this in mind, we can see the clear gospel message in the psalms of David, specifically in Psalms 22-24.
I. THE DEATH OF CHRIST (Psalm 22:1-31)
A. The Mockery of Men (Psalm 22:1-10)
1. The attention drawn (Psalm 22:1; Matthew 27:46)
a. All things were done to fulfil scripture (John 19:24, 28, 36)
b. Regardless of what you think about the Father’s involvement and presence at the crucifixion, there is no debate that the Lord’s words were intended to draw attention to the twenty-second psalm.
2. The demonstration of trust (Psalm 22:2-10; Matthew 27:39-44)
a. The despising of the people (Psalm 22:6-9; Matthew 27:39-44)
b. The trust of the Saviour (Psalm 22:2-5, 8-10)
B. The Spiritual and Physical Warfare (Psalm 22:11-21)
1. The gaping bulls (Psalm 22:11-13)
a. Besetting bulls (Psalm 22:12)
b. Gaping as a lion (Psalm 22:13)
c. Compassing dogs (Psalm 22:16, 20)
2. The physical suffering (Psalm 22:14-21)
a. He was poured out like water (Psalm 22:14).
b. His bones were out of joint, but not broken (Psalm 22:14).
c. His tongue cleaved to His jaws (Psalm 22:15; John 19:28).
d. His hands and feet were pierced (Psalm 22:16).
e. His bones could be counted (Psalm 22:17).
f. His garments were parted and lots were cast (Psalm 22:18; Matthew 27:35).
g. His soul was made an offering for sin (Psalm 22:20-21; Isaiah 53:10).
C. The Victory in Death (Psalm 22:22-31; Colossians 2:13-15; Philippians 2:5-11)
A. The Shepherd’s Identity (Psalm 23:1; see Psalm 110:1)
B. The Shepherd’s Work (Psalm 23:2-5)
1. He maketh me lie down in green pastures (Psalm 23:2).
2. He leadeth me beside the still waters (Psalm 23:2).
3. He restoreth my soul (Psalm 23:3).
4. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness (Psalm 23:3).
5. He leads through the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23:4).
6. He prepared a table in the presence of his enemies (Psalm 23:5; Colossians 2:13-15; Hebrews 2:14-15).
C. The Promised Promotion (Psalm 23:5-6)
1. He anointed his head with oil (Psalm 23:5; Hebrews 1:9).
2. He would dwell in the house of the LORD for ever (Psalm 23:6).
A. The Ownership of the LORD (Psalm 24:1-2)
B. The Ascension of the Lord (Psalm 24:3-6)
1. The question of ascension (Psalm 24:3)
2. The identity of the one ascending (Psalm 24:4)
a. He that hath clean hands.
b. He that hath a pure heart.
c. He that hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.
C. The Entrance of the King (Psalm 24:7-10)
1. The place of entrance – “the everlasting doors” (Psalm 24:7, 9)
2. The person entering (Psalm 24:7-10)
CONCLUSION: David may not have seen the gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection, but we can see it clearly in his writings. According to David, the King of glory is at present on the other side of the everlasting doors, and He is there as a result of a sinless spotless sacrifice for our sins.