The Life and Ministry of
Pastor Andrew Ray
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures
Judges 19:1-30; Judges 20:1-48; Judges 21:1-25
INTRODUCTION: From God’s perspective there is very little encouraging happenings in the last three chapters of the book of Judges. The attitude of the times can be seen clearly in the opening and closing verses. Hopefully, the circumstances of the times will prove offensive to us today, but rest assured it took such circumstances to finally get the attention of a people apathetic toward God and righteousness.
I. THE SINS COMMITTED (Judges 19:1-30)
A. The Circumstances in Troubling Times (Judges 19:1-15)
1. The trouble in the home (Judges 19:1-10)
a. The times (Judges 19:1)
b. The choice of the concubine (Judges 19:2)
c. The efforts of the Levite (Judges 19:3-10)
2. The trouble in the community (Judges 19:11-15)
a. The servant’s recommendation (Judges 19:11)
b. The concern of the master (Judges 19:12)
c. The decision of the master (Judges 19:13-15a)
d. The rejection of the people (Judges 19:15b)
B. The Concern in Troubling Times (Judges 19:16-21)
1. The uniqueness of generosity (Judges 19:16-17)
2. The ties of generosity (Judges 19:18-19)
3. The surprise of generosity (Judges 19:20-21)
C. The Concupiscence in Troubling Times (Judges 19:22-30)
1. The wickedness of man (Judges 19:22)
a. The source of the wickedness—“men of the city, certain sons of Belial”
b. The attitude of their wickedness—“beset the house round about, and beat at the door”
c. The lust of their wickedness—“Bring forth the man that came into thine house, that we may know him”
2. The insufficiency of morality (Judges 19:23-25)
3. The awakening of sin (Judges 19:26-30)
II. THE SIN ADDRESSED (Judges 20:1-48)
A. The Determination of the People (Judges 20:1-11)
1. The gathering of the Israelites (Judges 20:1-2)
2. The inquiry of the wickedness (Judges 20:3-6)
3. The request for council (Judges 20:7)
4. The call to action (Judges 20:8-11)
B. The Denial of the Benjamites (Judges 20:12-17)
1. The request for assistance (Judges 20:12-13a)
2. The unrestrained rebellion (Judges 20:13b-17)
C. The Difficulty of Sin (Judges 20:18-48)
1. The initial battle (Judges 20:18-21)
2. The next battle (Judges 20:22-25)
3. The next battle (Judges 20:26-48)
A. The Hindrance to Restoration (Judges 21:1-3)
1. The vow in Mizpeh (Judges 21:1)
2. The request of the Lord (Judges 21:2-3)
B. The Hope for Restoration (Judges 21:4-15)
1. The need for further judgment (Judges 21:4-5)
2. The plan for wives for Benjamin (Judges 21:6-12)
3. The appeal to the Benjamites (Judges 21:13-15)
C. The Help in Restoration (Judges 21:16-25)
1. The ongoing problem (Judges 21:16-18)
2. The plan for the Benjamites (Judges 21:19-23)
3. The discouragement continued (Judges 21:24-25)
CONCLUSION: At this time in Israel’s history, it was rare for them to be so unified and just as rare for them to be so offended at wickedness. Sadly, it took a drastic sin and a drastic response from a Levite to get Israel’s attention.