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Why Cain, Why?

Genesis 4:1-14

INTRODUCTION: I have heard Cain preached as though he was predestined to failure with no hope of reconciliation. I have even heard some go so far as to say that Cain was the illegitimate child of Satan and Eve. The reality is that Cain was a man much like you and me. He failed the Lord and became bitter when that failure was exposed.

I. HIGH HOPES FOR CAIN (Genesis 4:1-5)

A. At Birth (Genesis 4:1)

1. Eve’s statement—“I have gotten a man from the LORD”
2. Eve’s hope (Genesis 3:14-15)

B. In Adulthood (Genesis 4:2)

1. He was a working man.
2. Like a good firstborn son, he followed in the footsteps of his father.

C. In Worship (Genesis 4:3-5)

1. Cain’s sacrifice (Genesis 4:3; Hebrews 11:4 with Romans 10:17)
2. Cain’s rejection (Genesis 4:5)

II. GOD’S CONCERN FOR CAIN (Genesis 4:6-7)

A. For His Heart (Genesis 4:6)

1. Why art thou wroth?
2. Why is thy countenance fallen?

B. For His Restoration (Genesis 4:7)

1. The results of a proper sacrifice (Genesis 4:7a)
2. The gift of a sacrifice (Genesis 4:7b)

III. CAIN’S PROGRESSION (Genesis 4:8-9; 1 John 3:12)

A. Toward Abel (Genesis 4:8)

1. Cain talked with Abel.
2. They were in the field together.
3. Cain rose up against Abel and slew him.

B. Toward God (Genesis 4:9)

1. He lied to God.
2. He questioned God.

IV. CAIN’S REVELATION (Genesis 4:10-14)

A. Sin Confirmed (Genesis 4:10)

1. God’s knowledge of sin
2. Abel’s condemnation of Cain

B. Punishment Described (Genesis 4:11-12)

1. Cursed from the earth (Genesis 4:11)
2. A fugitive and a vagabond (Genesis 4:12)

C. Heart Unveiled (Genesis 4:13-14)—7 personal pronouns

1. My punishment (Genesis 4:13)
2. Greater than I can bear (Genesis 4:13)
3. Thou hast driven me out (Genesis 4:14)
4. From thy face shall I be hid (Genesis 4:14)
5. I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond (Genesis 4:14)
6. Every one that findeth me shall slay me (Genesis 4:14)

CONCLUSION: This passage chronicles the first time in the Bible when the question “Why” was asked. God’s purpose in asking the question was to unveil the real problem—the heart. Interestingly enough, I truly believe it will be that question that will prove most troubling at the Judgment Seat of Christ in order to determine the “sort” of our work.

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